martes, 2 de octubre de 2012


LOS INDIGNADOS MOVEMENT Oliver Klein Bosquet, Professor at the URV Tarragona (Spain) The Outrage suffered during the last decades of last century, when the exponential development of capitalism extended, by three-quarters of the world, had finally arrived without any doubt to the epicenter of the system itself, the nest supposedly rich countries, especially from the great economic crisis and financial speculation, in which we are still engaged, since its outbreak in 2008. But who are these Outraged first world, more specifically, of whom spoke both globally? On this debate at the University of Tlaxcala in November 2011 I said a Mexican student in your country probably should not have so many 'angry' and 'pissed off', or what we also know the meaning of 'pissed'. And from there we realized that there are different nuances depending on the degree of discontent and reaction to what we do not like you want to apply. For surely the best definition of indignant passes for "any person who is unhappy and is showing a step of taking action to prevent some incomprehensible things that happen can not keep happening." Today we have outraged anywhere in the world and in Finland and Norway, Italy or Spain, although in some places has been its greatest impact. What we must accept is that “Indignados” or 'Outraged' has become a global nickname. Turns out to be a movement that arises from the footsteps of other rebellious demonstrations as have been in the last century "May 68" and the riots in favor of another possible world, which many branded as "anti-globalization" that came with the entry of this century. Indignation does break the fear of many citizens complaining about political and economic issues primarily affecting their vital status directly, insecurity becomes a perception of the threat after its onset, even locking a script more illuminating explanation can even lead to the insurgency.

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