DIARI ÍNTIM PERÒ PÚBLIC. En aquest blog vull parlar sobre les coses que observo i em preocupen, perquè les estimo: el temps que són els dies que passen i cal aprofitar; les persones que es creuen amb mi; i, finalment, els països, pobles, indrets, racons... que descobreixo poc a poc. Nascut el 1976, soc Professor de Ciencia Política a la Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) de Tarragona. Tambe soc Regidor i Portaveu del Nou Moviment Ciutada (NMC) a l'Ajuntament de Cambrils.
jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012
By Oliver Klein Bosquet, Professor at the URV of Tarragona (Spain)
Nothing seems to be changed essentially in Morocco. Perhaps the most appropriate title of the Moroccan uprising is the "Quiet Revolution", which should serve to change some of the people (or parties) that have dominated so far, but for anything to attack the system at its best substance (the group of family names and easements military, economic and political privileges obtained by the kingly “Makhzen”). Experts agree that if a revolution ends up being too quiet should not be able to academically qualify as such.
Personally I am inclined to bet on a "continuity in change" that has certain risks and uncertainties fears expressed by the Moroccan population of the same expectation of newspapers, facebook and Al Jazeera. The continuity in the change is not far from a bad thing in itself, nor I mean to criticize, in any case there are too many unknowns in my analysis in the process that can bring good results to the benefit of most I mean people.
Certainly, I agree that it seems that can not be carried out deeper reforms leading to a more radical change of paradigm without a decision to put in crisis the real system of privilege concentrated in the hands of a few.
While my brother Mohammed continue to receive messages from the famous TV-chain of Qatar to his mobile phone announcing the news of the fronts of Sirte, in Libya, or Homs, in Syria, something is cooking at home, according to the same degree of cooking or spice species that may be different flavors and digestion.
Street said that in the same country of great advances in infrastructure, which contradict the large deficits in the basic systems and health education (ranked number 130 according to the Human Development Index of UNDP), while some political prisoners or critical journalists, such as the popular Niny Rachid, just coming out of the dungeons, and other corrupt dealers are impervious to them.
miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012
Jo em donaria a qui em volgués
com si ni jo me n'adonés
d'aquest donar-me: com si ho fes
un jo de mi que m'ignorés.
Jo em donaria a qui es donés
a canvi meu per sempre més:
que res de meu no me'n quedés
en el no meu que jo en rebés.
Jo em donaria per un bes,
per un de sol, pro que besés
i del besat em desbesés.
Jo em donaria a qui em volgués
com si jo me n'adonés:
com una almina que se'm fes.
(Extret de 'Poemes del Alquimista')
martes, 2 de octubre de 2012
Oliver Klein Bosquet, Professor at the URV Tarragona (Spain)
The Outrage suffered during the last decades of last century, when the exponential development of capitalism extended, by three-quarters of the world, had finally arrived without any doubt to the epicenter of the system itself, the nest supposedly rich countries, especially from the great economic crisis and financial speculation, in which we are still engaged, since its outbreak in 2008.
But who are these Outraged first world, more specifically, of whom spoke both globally? On this debate at the University of Tlaxcala in November 2011 I said a Mexican student in your country probably should not have so many 'angry' and 'pissed off', or what we also know the meaning of 'pissed'. And from there we realized that there are different nuances depending on the degree of discontent and reaction to what we do not like you want to apply. For surely the best definition of indignant passes for "any person who is unhappy and is showing a step of taking action to prevent some incomprehensible things that happen can not keep happening." Today we have outraged anywhere in the world and in Finland and Norway, Italy or Spain, although in some places has been its greatest impact. What we must accept is that “Indignados” or 'Outraged' has become a global nickname. Turns out to be a movement that arises from the footsteps of other rebellious demonstrations as have been in the last century "May 68" and the riots in favor of another possible world, which many branded as "anti-globalization" that came with the entry of this century. Indignation does break the fear of many citizens complaining about political and economic issues primarily affecting their vital status directly, insecurity becomes a perception of the threat after its onset, even locking a script more illuminating explanation can even lead to the insurgency.
domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012
Tot sovint penso que la meva infància
té una dolça i secreta remor d'aigua.
Parlo de la verdor d'un delta inmens;
parlo dels vols dels ibis (milers d'ibis
com volves vives de la neu més blanca)
i del flamenc rosat (de l'íntim rosa
d'un pit de noia gairebé entrevist).
I parlo del coll-verd brunzint per l'aire
com la pedra llançada per la fona,
de l'anguila subtil com la serpent,
la tenca platejada de les basses.
Parlo del llarg silenci on es fonien
l'aigua dolça del riu, la mar amarga.
Parlo d'un riu entre canyars, domèstic;
parlo - Virgili amic - de l'horta ufana,
dels tarongers florits i l'api tendre,
de l'aixada i la falç, del gos a l'era.
(Lluny, pel cel clar, va un vol daurat de garses).
Parlo d'un riu antic, solcat encara
pels vells llaguts: els últims, llegendaris
llaguts, tan afuats com una espasa,
i carregats de vi, de llana, d'ordi,
i amb mariners cantant sobre la popa.
Parlo d'un lent crepuscle que posava
or tremolós a l'aigua amorosida,
punts de llum a les ales dels insectes,
solars reflectiments als ponts llunyans.
Dolça remor de l'aigua en el record.
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